We can say flatly that there is no evidence that women’s biology makes them incapable of performing at the highest levels in any STEM fields.

We’ve studied gender and STEM for 25 years.
The science doesn’t support the Google memo.

When they looked at the "merge rate" of women's contributions, they were shocked to find that 78.6 percent of women's pull requests were actually accepted and merged into the code, while only 74.4 percent of men's pull requests were.

Data analysis of GitHub contributions reveals unexpected gender bias

@isislovecruft: Have I mentioned I've been A/B testing the gnupg developers over the last decade by submitting patches as both female and male pseudonyms
@isislovecruft: SPOILER ALERT: they denied 100% of the patches with female-sounding pseudonyms
@dymaxion: What was the (approximate) accept rate for male-sounding pseudonyms?
@isislovecruft: with sometime slight modifications, ~80%
@Doomed_Daniel: And they didn't even notice getting the same patch twice from different names?
@isislovecruft: apparently not, and this still baffles me

Despite public pronouncements, however, recruiters do not appear more inclined toward recruiting female candidates who self-report knowing programming languages. Indeed, recruiters are predicted to be 12.37% less likely to message a woman than a man with comparable observable qualifications, even if those qualifications are very strong.

Missing Women in Tech: The Labor Market for Highly Skilled Software Engineers

A new study finds that men in STEM subject areas overestimate their own intelligence and credentials, underestimate the abilities of female colleagues, and that as a result, women themselves doubt their abilities — even when evidence says otherwise.

NBC News

see also
is tech a meritocracy?
is it a pipeline problem?
do women talk more?